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Division 2 -Arrangements and Design

The current rules and procedures of the American Rose Society govern the Arrangement Division.

Roses must provide the dominant floral interest in all designs. All roses must be outdoor, garden-grown, and correctly named on the entry tag in accordance with the latest edition of Official List of AEN, Modern Roses, and Handbook for Selecting Roses, ARS Magazine Registrations page, ARS Website Recent Rose Registrations, or CLR for fresh and dried rose designs. Only roses classified as Miniature or Miniflora roses may be used in miniature designs. If all roses in the design have been grown by the arranger, “AG” must be written in the upper right-hand corner of the entry tag for the entry to be eligible for ARS Medal Certificates.


Standard Staging: Standard designs are to be placed within a tabletop space of 24” width and 30” depth and may not exceed these dimensions. There is no height limitation. Exhibit tables will be covered with black cloths.

Miniature Staging: All designs are to use Miniature and/or Miniflora roses and should be in scale to the size of arrangement.


Other design components: NO painted or dyed fresh plant materials, living creatures, electrical devices, plant materials on the state conservation list, the American flag or flags of any country. To avoid disqualification: NO artificial plant materials (including vegetables and fruits) and roses not outdoor grown. An incorrectly placed arrangement will be judged in the section and class in which it is placed.


Entry tags: Both the top and bottom (tear-off) portion of the entry tag (ARS) must be completed if using a special arrangement tag. All rose varieties used in the design must be listed. If all rose names will not fit on the entry tag, write “see card” and provide a separate 3”x5” card containing the class number and the complete list of rose varieties. The exhibitor should use the bold face class title as the title on the entry tag. The exhibitor must mark their entry tag with appropriate distinction; N: Novice, A: Amateur, AA: Advanced Amateur, and J: Judge. Tags that are not marked will be judged as an “AA” entry.


Placement: Exhibitors may place arrangements on Saturday morning, 6:30 am to 9:45 am. Exhibitors must remove paraphernalia/materials and leave the show area promptly at 10:00 am. If an exhibit must be moved, and all efforts to locate the exhibitor have failed, the show chair or designee may carefully move the exhibit.


Removal/Awards: Arrangements must remain in place until the close of the show at 4:00 pm, Sunday, June 16th, except as directed by the show chair. Exhibitors should label their containers and accessories where it cannot be seen during judging. After 4:00 pm, Sunday, June 9th containers must be removed by the exhibitor.


Damages/Liability: The Show Committee, Seattle Rose Society, and MarketPlace @ Factoria shall be held harmless and are not liable for loss or damage to entries, containers, or property arising out of the exhibitor’s participation or for injury to persons attending the rose show.


Judging: All decisions of the judges are final. The following ARS arrangement score card will be used to evaluate all entries:


Scorecard for Judging Rose Arrangements

CONFORMANCE – (5 points per category) – 15 points

a. Roses correctly named.
b. Conformance to type of design.
c. Other specific requirements of the schedule.

DESIGN (5 points per Principle) – 30 points
Balance, Rhythm, Dominance, Contrast, Proportion, Scale according to design style and type.

Roses are in peak condition, good substance, and fresh foliage. This includes condition of other plant material.

Imaginative and creative handling of design components.

DISTINCTION – 10 points
Marked superiority and unique in all aspects of the design, including technical execution and construction. Points off in above categories weaken distinction.

TOTAL POSSIBLE – 100 points

Only one first, second, third and honorable mention ribbon will be awarded in each class with entry tags marked “N” “A” or “AA.” A design must place first and score at least 92 points to be eligible for ARS awards. In addition to the class awards, ribbons and trophies as indicated in the schedule, the following may be awarded:

  1. One set of ARS Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal Certificates are awarded for the highest-scoring first place standard size designs using fresh arranger grown roses (indicated by “AG” on the entry tag). Eligible for Medal Certificates: Classes 1 through 9.

  2. One set of Miniature ARS Gold, Silver and Bronze medal Certificates are awarded for the highest-scoring first place designs using Miniature and/or Miniflora roses that are arranger grown roses (indicated by “AG” on the entry tag). Eligible for Medal Certificates: Classes 11 & 12.

Horticulture Classes

Section A Standard Designs

Eligible for ARS Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal Arrangement Certificates for entries marked “AG”  Best of section eligible for ARS Royalty Award.

Class 1. “Farmer’s Market” – A Traditional Line design using all fresh plant materials.

Class 2. “Edible Seattle” – A Traditional Line-Mass arrangement using all fresh plant materials.

Class 3.  “Community Garden” – A Traditional Mass arrangement of all fresh plant materials.

 Section B Standard Modern/Creative Designs

Eligible for the ARS Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal Arrangement Certificates for entries marked “AG” Best of section eligible for ARS Artist’s Award.

Class 4. “Harvest” – A Synergistic design composed of three or more separate units creating a unified whole. Unity is evident in repetition of colors and forms.

Class 5. “Canning”– An Underwater design must have a focal area of design placed under water in a clear or transparent container. Approximately 1/3 of design under water.

 Section C Standard Oriental Manner Designs

Eligible for ARS Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal Arrangement Certificates for entries marked “AG” Best of section eligible for ARS Oriental Award.

Class 6. “Eat Local” – A design using the Moribana Style (low container with water showing).

Class 7. “Urban Garden” – A design using the Free Style – Modern Jiyuka (naturalistic or abstract).

Section D Table Classes

Eligible for ARS Gold, Silver, and Bronze with tags marked “AG”.

 Class 8.   “Garden to Table” – A Functional Standard Table luncheon may include accessories of appropriate scale while table must not appear crowded or bare. Backdrops and table clothes are allowed. Please contact Show Chair to reserve space.

 Section E Special Classes

Eligible for ARS Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal Arrangement Certificates for entries marked “AG”.

Class 9. “Homegrown Flavor” – A Standard arrangement using only fresh roses and rose plant materials, including fresh hips, stems, and roots. Other plant materials and accessories are not permitted. Exhibitor’s choice of design (Traditional, Modern/Creative, or Oriental) must be written on the entry tag. Entries are eligible for the Princess Award.

Class 10. “Cooking in Season” – Traditional arrangement (designer’s choice) using dried or treated plant material and fresh roses. Entries are eligible for the Duchess Award.

 Section F Junior Designs

Open to exhibitors 18 years of age or younger. Eligible for ARS Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal Arrangement Certificates for entries marked “AG” Best of section eligible for ARS Junior Arrangement Award.

 Class 11. “Dig In” – Exhibitor’s choice of design; must be written on entry tag.

Class 12.  “Backyard Farm” – Exhibitor’s choice of design; not to exceed 10 inches in height, width, or depth.  Design choice must be written on entry tag.

Section F Miniature Designs

Eligible for the ARS Miniature Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal Arrangement Certificates for entries marked “AG” Best of section eligible for ARS Miniature Artist’s Award, Miniature Royalty Award or ARS Miniature Oriental Award if applicable.

Class 13. “Foraging for Morsels” – Any Traditional arrangement (Line, Line-Mass, or Mass) not to exceed 7 inches in height, width, or depth.

Class 14. “Sustainable Living” – Exhibitor’s choice of design style (Traditional, Modern/Creative, or Oriental) must be written on the entry tag not to exceed 10 inches height, width, or depth.

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