Seattle Rose Society


The Seattle Rose Society was started in 1913, making it the oldest horticultural society in the Seattle area. The Society was organized to encourage people of all levels of gardening experience to grow and enjoy roses. We are proud of the Woodland Park Rose Garden, having been instrumental in its founding in 1924 with the help of the Lions Club. For over 80 years the Society has held a public rose show. Our first rose show was at the present site of the Four Seasons Olympic Hotel. Since then, there have been many show locations. The current location is the Factoria Mall shopping center.
The Seattle Rose Society is an active and enthusiastic organization, with a roster of over 200 members from all over the Puget Sound, the Pacific Northwest, and beyond. Our members have a wide variety of interests in roses, including gardening, hybridizing, arranging, and exhibiting roses. All are welcome to attend our monthly membership meeting to learn more about roses and share in the camaraderie of those who love them. Beginners can learn which varieties are particularly well-suited to our Pacific Northwest climate, and how to make them flourish. Experienced rose growers can expand their knowledge and share their expertise with others.
The Seattle Rose Society meets on the third Tuesday of every month (except July, August and December) at the Wallingford Community Senior Center located on the lower level, suite 140 of the Good Shepherd Center (2649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle WA 98103). In addition to our monthly meetings, we have an award-winning newsletter, are involved in many community activities, including pruning demonstrations, nursery visitations, public and private garden tours and of course our Annual Rose Show.