Seattle Rose Society
Division III - Photography
Roses: Roses must provide the dominant floral interest in all photography designs. Roses do not need to be grown by the photographer.
Standard Staging: All photos must have a title marked on their entry tag (this can include the variety or color), if no title is given, it will be marked Untitled #1 and so forth. Photos may be in black and white, color, or enhanced otherwise. Photos must be submitted for either a 4×6 or 8×10 matted frame opening (matte frames will be provided by the SRS). Pictures cannot be matted or framed by the photographer and will be disqualified if submitted in this manner.
Design components: All photographs should exhibit quality in: perfection of roses, roses as the dominant feature, artistic design (focus and perspective), presentation, creativity/ expressiveness, setting/ background, lighting, and clarity.
Rights of the SRS: When submitting your photo you also give the right for the SRS to post the winning photographs on our website with your name, rose name(s), and photo title.
Entry tags: Photographers must fill out the SRS designated photography class entry tag and honestly describe their photo in the space provided as explained on the tag. For questions regarding filling out the entry tag, please see the Show Chairman with any concerns.
Placement: Exhibitors may place photo entries on Saturday morning, 6:30 am to 9:45 am. Photographers are welcomed to reserve space for their photograph(s) but are not required to do so. Matte frames will be furnished on a first come basis. Submissions of three or more photos are asked to contact the Show Chair Jeff Wyckoff at for reserved table space.
Removal/Awards: Photographs must remain in place until the close of the show at 4:00 pm, Sunday, June 16th, except as directed by the Show Chair. Exhibitors should label the backs of their photographs where it cannot be seen during judging. Exhibitors must remove photographs at 4:00 pm, Sunday, June 16th.
Damages/Liability: The Show Committee, Seattle Rose Society, and MarketPlace @ Factoria shall be held harmless and are not liable for loss or damage to entries arising out of the exhibitor’s participation or for injury to persons attending the rose show. By entering in the 2019 Seattle Rose Society Photography Section, exhibitors agree that they will hold the Show Committee, Seattle Rose Society, and MarketPlace @ Factoria harmless from any such loss or damage arising out of that exhibitor’s participation.
Rose Form – 40 points
Photography Composition – 15 points
Photography Technique – 15 points
Photography Distinction – 20 points
Conformance to Photo Division Rules – 10 points.
Total Points – 100
Photography Classes
Class 1 Photographic Excellence of Rose and/or Rose Arrangements
Any photograph containing one or more roses cut or attached to the bush, with or without filler flowers or any other foreign materials. The focus of the photograph should be the rose(s). Rose arrangement photos should follow the SRS guidelines for judging rose arrangements (Division II).
Class 2 Photographic Excellence of Rose Gardens
Any photograph containing one or more rose bushes and other plant life or materials in a garden setting of small or grand size or a rose society activity.
Class 3 Photographic Excellence in Rose Art
Any photograph containing a rose(s) or any part of the rose; displayed in an artistic fashion (excluding arrangements).