Seattle Rose Society

Welcome to the Seattle Rose Society
The Seattle Rose Society is a non-profit organization founded in Seattle, Washington in 1913.
We share a love of roses and our goal is to share our knowledge of and enthusiasm for roses with the public.
We promote interest in roses through membership meetings, a monthly newsletter – The Rose Petals, our annual rose show, educational programs, and other community activities.
We are a local chapter of the Pacific Northwest District of the American Rose Society.
2024 Events
February 20th
Membership Meeting
Good Shepherd Center, Seattle
Online on Zoom
March 9th
Flower World Rose Clinic
Flower World
March 19th
Membership Meeting
Good Shepherd Center, Seattle
Online on Zoom
May 21st
Membership Meeting
Good Shepherd Center, Seattle
Online on Zoom
March 2nd
Sky Nursery Rose Clinic
Sky Nursery
March 10th
Christianson's Rose Clinic
Christianson's Nursery
April 13th
Spring Spectacular at Woodland Park
Woodland Park Rose Garden
June 15th & 16th
Annual Rose Show
Marketplace @ Factoria, Bellevue
March 9th
Pruning Demonstration
Woodland Park Rose Garden
March 16th
Pruning Demonstration
Highline/SeaTac Botanical Garden
April 16th
Membership Meeting
Good Shepherd Center, Seattle
Online on Zoom
September 17th
Membership Meeting
Good Shepherd Center, Seattle
Online on Zoom
"There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson